Source code for pytablereader.error

.. codeauthor:: Tsuyoshi Hombashi <>

[docs]class ValidationError(Exception): """ Exception raised when data is not properly formatted. """
[docs]class PathError(Exception): """ Base path exception class. """
[docs]class InvalidFilePathError(PathError): """ Exception raised when invalid file path used. TODO: rename the error class """
[docs]class UrlError(PathError): """ Exception raised when invalid URL used. """
[docs]class OpenError(IOError): """ Exception raised when failed to open a file. """
class APIError(Exception): """ Exception raised when failed to execute API requests. """
[docs]class LoaderNotFoundError(Exception): """ Exception raised when loader not found. """
class PypandocImportError(ImportError): """ Exception raised when import error occurred with pypandoc package. """ try: import requests class HTTPError(requests.RequestException): """ An HTTP error occurred. .. seealso:: """ class ProxyError(requests.exceptions.ProxyError): """ A proxy error occurred. .. seealso:: """ except ImportError:
[docs] class HTTPError(Exception): """ An HTTP error occurred. """
[docs] class ProxyError(Exception): """ A proxy error occurred. """