Source code for pytablereader.html.core

.. codeauthor:: Tsuyoshi Hombashi <>

from .._common import get_file_encoding
from .._constant import TableNameTemplate as tnt
from .._logger import FileSourceLogger, TextSourceLogger
from .._validator import FileValidator, TextValidator
from ..interface import AbstractTableReader
from .formatter import HtmlTableFormatter

class HtmlTableLoader(AbstractTableReader):
    An abstract class of HTML table loaders.

    def format_name(self):
        return "html"

    def _get_default_table_name_template(self):
        return f"{tnt.TITLE:s}_{tnt.KEY:s}"

[docs]class HtmlTableFileLoader(HtmlTableLoader): """ A file loader class to extract tabular data from HTML files. :param str file_path: Path to the loading HTML file. .. py:attribute:: table_name Table name string. Defaults to ``%(title)s_%(key)s``. .. py:attribute:: encoding HTML file encoding. Defaults to ``"utf-8"``. """ def __init__(self, file_path=None, quoting_flags=None, type_hints=None, type_hint_rules=None): super().__init__(file_path, quoting_flags, type_hints, type_hint_rules) self.encoding = None self._validator = FileValidator(file_path) self._logger = FileSourceLogger(self)
[docs] def load(self): """ Extract tabular data as |TableData| instances from HTML table tags in a HTML file. |load_source_desc_file| :return: Loaded table data iterator. |load_table_name_desc| =================== ============================================== Format specifier Value after the replacement =================== ============================================== ``%(filename)s`` |filename_desc| ``%(title)s`` ``<title>`` tag value of the HTML. ``%(key)s`` | This replaced to: | **(1)** ``id`` attribute of the table tag | **(2)** ``%(format_name)s%(format_id)s`` | if ``id`` attribute not present in the | table tag. ``%(format_name)s`` ``"html"`` ``%(format_id)s`` |format_id_desc| ``%(global_id)s`` |global_id| =================== ============================================== :rtype: |TableData| iterator :raises pytablereader.DataError: If the HTML data is invalid or empty. .. note:: Table tag attributes ignored with loaded |TableData|. """ self._validate() self._logger.logging_load() self.encoding = get_file_encoding(self.source, self.encoding) with open(self.source, encoding=self.encoding) as fp: formatter = HtmlTableFormatter(, self._logger) formatter.accept(self) return formatter.to_table_data()
[docs]class HtmlTableTextLoader(HtmlTableLoader): """ A text loader class to extract tabular data from HTML text data. :param str text: HTML text to load. .. py:attribute:: table_name Table name string. Defaults to ``%(title)s_%(key)s``. """ def __init__(self, text, quoting_flags=None, type_hints=None, type_hint_rules=None): super().__init__(text, quoting_flags, type_hints, type_hint_rules) self._validator = TextValidator(text) self._logger = TextSourceLogger(self)
[docs] def load(self): """ Extract tabular data as |TableData| instances from HTML table tags in a HTML text object. |load_source_desc_text| :return: Loaded table data iterator. |load_table_name_desc| =================== ============================================== Format specifier Value after the replacement =================== ============================================== ``%(filename)s`` ``""`` ``%(title)s`` ``<title>`` tag value of the HTML. ``%(key)s`` | This replaced to: | **(1)** ``id`` attribute of the table tag | **(2)** ``%(format_name)s%(format_id)s`` | if ``id`` attribute is not included | in the table tag. ``%(format_name)s`` ``"html"`` ``%(format_id)s`` |format_id_desc| ``%(global_id)s`` |global_id| =================== ============================================== :rtype: |TableData| iterator :raises pytablereader.DataError: If the HTML data is invalid or empty. """ self._validate() self._logger.logging_load() formatter = HtmlTableFormatter(self.source, self._logger) formatter.accept(self) return formatter.to_table_data()