4.1. Load table data from CSV

Following example shows how to extract TableData from CSV data by using CsvTableFileLoader and CsvTableTextLoader classes.

Sample Code:
Load table from CSV
import pytablereader as ptr
import pytablewriter as ptw

# prepare data ---
file_path = "sample_data.csv"
csv_text = "\n".join([

with open(file_path, "w") as f:

# load from a csv file ---
loader = ptr.CsvTableFileLoader(file_path)
for table_data in loader.load():
        "load from file",

# load from a csv text ---
loader = ptr.CsvTableTextLoader(csv_text)
for table_data in loader.load():
        "load from text",
load from file
.. table:: sample_data

    ======  ======  ======
    attr_a  attr_b  attr_c
    ======  ======  ======
         1     4.0  a
         2     2.1  bb
         3   120.9  ccc
    ======  ======  ======

load from text
.. table:: csv2

    ======  ======  ======
    attr_a  attr_b  attr_c
    ======  ======  ======
         1     4.0  a
         2     2.1  bb
         3   120.9  ccc
    ======  ======  ======